Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Rich and I received a phone call early Sunday Morning (10-12-08) stating all is well, however there was a little accident. The call was from Rose explaining that Tyler and herself were walking across the street, in a cross walk, at the light, when a young man driving an SUV struck Tyler, throwing him 25 feet and promptly running over Rose's Right foot (Rose being 8 & 1/2 months pregnant) They were fortunate to have an officer at the light of the accident and he called for an ambulance. We were pleased to find baby Vincent was doing fine, and Rose with a broken right foot and Tyler with a broken left hand were able to come home the next day. So count each blessing every day!

1 comment:

Turia said...

Wow Lori... look at you go! Less than 24 hours since you've had your blog and you are a pro!!!
I'm so proud of you!