Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hospital News ICU

Grandma Judy not feeling very well today, very swollen with water retention, kidneys not doing their job so our only option left is dialysis. Last night grams went down to ICU where they can monitor closely. This morning they tried to put a pic-line in, so they wouldn't have to keep taking blood out of her very small and rolling veins. They tried 4 times and no success, however they were able to put the main line to heart in for the dialysis. They brought the dialysis machine into her room and made her comfortable and then began the process of dialysis. They have put a port into her heart where it has a red line for blood to come out and a blue line for the filterated blood to return in, the whole process took 2 hours today getting 3 liters of fluid, tomorrow they will start again going 2 & 1/2 hours. Her blood pressure went extremely low, so they gave her a drug called Levofed and it constricts the blood vessels and helps keep her blood pressure up. All in all, she is still very sick, but the doctors have high hopes that this will help her. Please visit grandma, anyone is welcome, she would love to see you!

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